Computer vision is perhaps one of the leading recent technical advances. After all, as the name suggests, it involves conferring to machines and computers the ability to “see”, with a series of advanced technological tools.
Relacionada ao conceito de economia verde, a bioeconomia vem ao encontro das demandas da sociedade e da necessidade de repensarmos a forma como interagimos com o planeta. Em nosso artigo, veja o que é bioeconomia, sua importância, o potencial do Brasil e o papel do empreendedorismo e da inovação para seu desenvolvimento.
The preservation of the Amazon Forest and the transition to a green low-carbon economy on local production chains invariably involves innovation. This article discusses the economy of the standing forest and explains why it is important to provide incentives to startups in the Amazon and strengthen the region’s ecosystem of innovation.
Considering Amazon region, Brazil has enormous potential to invest in the bioeconomy and stand out worldwide. At first, it is necessary to invest in innovation in the Amazon, connecting good local initiatives – which value the standing forest and a low carbon economy – to global chains.
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