Year of project delivery
Priority Sector
Information and Communications Technology
The Bematech Company sought to develop an innovative product to serve the global commercial printer market. CERTI’s challenge was to develop a platform for thermal printers to print invoices and receipts for commercial applications.
The CERTI Foundation, with resources from the FINEP project, developed a thermal mini printer that combines features previously not available in the market with performance better than the leading global competitors in this segment. The equipment was also innovative in its modular characteristics, which allow the production of different configurations based on the same platform. Wireless communication modules were also developed with three technologies - Wifi, ZigBee and GPRS - for different product applications. The printer’s production process was also developed, suppliers were qualified, inspection procedures were developed, as well as specifications for the product’s assembly line.
The MP4000 printer is currently the main Bematech product in the printing line. It is produced at its São José dos Pinhais plant in Paraná, and in Taiwan.